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Showing posts from May, 2009

I am now who I am

I live in a small town from long ago, where the hills supposed to be surrounding along my town, and now they are all gone, for tectonic reasons and my town was very well planned, the roads, the houses and the facility. I really enjoy to walk around in the afternoon, there was no sun, no rain, but you can see blue sky and clouds at all the time, birds were flying, the winds were blowing the leaves around the town, I had been living here for 15 years, when I think back about it that was not a long time ago, it just like happened yesterday, everybody were like this, it is not an oddness. A high school was built near by my house, my mom said:"My dear, you are going to walk there without me company, you should be careful, my honey. " I said:"Yeah, of course mom. I am growing taller and taller as you and I am no longer a little girl anymore. " It's been a while since I was in my high school, I remember that I was sitting alone in my own class when I was thirteen I s...


那是一條又長又黑的走廊 我身為前衛 什么都不怕 雙手,緊握着左劍和右劍 分別命名為 '黑' 和 '白' 走廊里,只有靜默 只有,腳步聲 只有,無止境 吱…吱……! 是走廊的咆哮聲 吱……吱嘰吱! 走廊開始扭轉了 是不祥之音 咕隆……咕隆……鐺! 鈴鐺飄了起來! 敵人從后方以每秒攻下五人的速度攻來了! 僅只五秒就攻下了二百人的偵查隊! 緊急狀態!緊急狀態! 黑衣人從后方進攻到前衛來了! “后方有五人……” 命令你們全員立刻撤退!到安全的地方去! “這里…沒有安全的地方……只有無止境……” 喀吱吱…嘰吱嘰吱……!吱嚓! 連聲音也開始扭轉了 紅色畫面閃過 眼珠發出明亮游動的藍光 我,覺醒了 渴望旋轉,渴望揮舞。 渴望旋轉,渴望揮舞。 渴望旋轉,渴望揮舞。 嘻嘻嘻………… “…后方17度方位向后轉24度用刺擊解決過后從右邊將 ' 黑' 向左下方18度揮173度一次解決兩個在這時后方攻來了三個緊急往左轉182.56度同時把 '黑' 和 '白' 分別從上面算起25度和36度揮下來靠左邊10度右邊84度兩個人當場被霹成兩半當場身亡這下解決五人再來雙手開叉雙劍分別指向后方左右60度往前用力一 揮敵方一個出血過多暈了過去估計13分鐘過后死亡兩個當場死亡……” 都太遲了 靜默的走廊,不知何時引來了那么多蚊蟲的嗡嗡聲 滿地散發出鐵銹味 身體還感覺到那些死者們死前所殘留的一點體溫 眼淚,一流不止了之。 “當初早就知道了,失去的東西不會再回來了……永遠……” 本文:


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